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CA LIC#907014


When to remodel or renovate a home instead of moving

  1. Remodeling the whole house
  2. Why do people renovate their homes
  3. How to start a project
  4. Tips for successfully completing a renovation project
  5. Home renovation costs and return on investment 
  6. Resources for finding the right contractor
  7. Kitchen remodeling ideas
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Remodeling the whole house

Many people renovate their homes in stages. Starting with the most important rooms and moving to less important areas last, for instance, living room or kitchen remodeling. This is a good idea because it allows you to work on parts of your home where you spend more time at first before tackling other areas that might be easier fixes like painting walls or adding a new window.

There are many reasons why homeowners decide to remodel their home, these can include: wanting more space for family members or starting a business at home; the desire to create an updated look and feel in your home’s interior design that is better suited to your style and preferences; making improvements so you live more comfortably such as adding wheelchair accessibility features inside or outside of your house; enlarging rooms through room additions or kitchen expansion projects. Homeowners also sometimes choose to make changes in order to sell their property quicker by addressing any issues with buyer objections they might have.

Remodeling the whole house takes a lot of time, but it also can be a rewarding experience. Homeowners who do the work themselves usually end up saving money and may enjoy looking at their own handiwork for years to come!

Why do people renovate their homes?

People renovate their houses for a variety of reasons. Some people do it to improve the way their house looks and feels, others may need changes for safety reasons or because they are interested in features that make them more comfortable like wheelchair accessibilities inside or outside the home. Homeowners might also undertake remodeling projects with an eye on how quickly they can sell their property after renovations have been completed.

Regardless of why you’re thinking about doing some work on your house, there’s no better time than now! There are so many ways homeowners can update the design without making costly structural modifications by installing new windows and doors; adding extra insulation in walls and ceilings; putting up drywall as opposed to plasterboard; replacing old wiring with PEX piping instead.

The most popular project this year is adding a mudroom or laundry room. This extra area that’s separate from the rest of the house provides homeowners with an additional place to store their outdoor gear before they come inside and also helps keep dirt off floors in other parts of the home.

Homeowners who are ready for remodeling projects should get started ASAP because it can take a lot longer than anticipated due to all the different factors involved, such as weather delays and having enough time scheduled around work commitments.

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How to start a project

Starting to remodel your home can be a daunting task, but there are some things you should do before beginning. Start a project by taking a look around your home and finding out what’s most in need of an upgrade—a new front door, or more closet space.

Remodeling is the process of improving a home by altering, converting or adding new living spaces and fixtures to meet current needs and tastes. New homes are often customized with additions like an extra bedroom for children just starting school, whereas older structures may need renovations in order to make them more livable as population densities increase (e.g., wheelchair ramps). When you’re thinking about remodeling your home, it’s important to take into account not only how much work will be required but also whether these updates will improve the value of your property when you come time to sell it.

Once you’ve made up your mind on which remodeling project is a top priority, draw up plans for it so you can get started right away. The sooner you begin the work, the sooner all those months or years will fly by!

In renovating your kitchen, for example, start by planning which appliances will be replaced and what the new layout of the counter space will look like. You’ll need to hire a contractor if you want any structural changes done or electrical work completed. The kitchen is the most popular room to remodel, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists it as one of the top five jobs for 2016.

Remodeling can be a great investment if you’re looking to make your home more comfortable or energy-efficient, but there are lots of things that could go wrong in the process-so do your research first, and then decide what you want to change.

Tips for successfully completing a renovation project

Hire an architect or contractor to help you with the design process, and get any permits necessary before starting work on your property.  Use Google SketchUp for a plan of action that can be shared among contractors, designers, etc., if needed. Be sure to research what will need to happen in order for your project to comply with building codes: some projects may require electrical upgrades or waterproofing depending on which area is being remodeled.

Remodeling your home is not always about the design or physical comfort, but it can also have a big impact on your energy bills.

Remodeling a small space such as a bathroom or kitchen can save money and time by only focusing on certain aspects of the room, whereas remodeling an entire home may require more extensive work to be done in order for everything to look cohesive at the end of the project. Finally, think carefully about how you will use any additional space – If you are expanding your living area but don’t want kids running around all day long then maybe this isn’t right for you!

The bottom line is that like with anything else in life: planning ahead before doing something always helps avoid problems down the road. As the years pass, you will be glad that you thought of long-term goals before short-term ones.

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Home renovation costs and return on investment

Home renovation costs and return on investment are important considerations when deciding to renovate your home. In fact, it’s quite easy for homeowners to overlook the benefits of renovations in favour of focusing purely on cost savings – Which is why this post will look at how you can make your renovation more cost-effective.

Homeowners should always be prepared for unexpected expenses that may come up during their home improvement projects. From unforeseen electrical problems or plumbing leaks, it’s important to have an emergency fund set aside just in case!

The bottom line is that like with anything else in life: planning ahead before doing something always helps avoid problems down the road. As the years pass, you will be glad that you thought of long-term goals before short-term ones. When renovating your house take into account all aspects from the start.

Renovations are an investment that should be done with the future in mind.

Resources for finding the right contractor

Finding a reliable contractor for your home remodeling project is no easy task. There are thousands of contractors out there, all offering different services at various prices. The perfect contractor for you depends on a number of factors such as budget and quality expectations. In addition, you should take into account the contractor’s performance history and reputation.

The first step in finding a great contractor is to research their portfolio of work, if they have one available on their website or other places online. They may even provide before after photos so you can compare what your home will look like once it is finished. It also helps to get referrals from friends that have had success with them in the past, read reviews about them both locally and nationwide for some extra insight (like whether there are any complaints filed against them), or speak directly with previous customers who were happy with the renovation process as well as the final result.

Kitchen remodeling ideas

Most people want their kitchens to be attractive and functional. Kitchen design is very important because many people spend a lot of time in there cooking, cleaning, or spending social time with family members. Good kitchen design will help you enjoy the comfort of your own home.

There are some common mistakes that happen when renovating kitchens. You can have all these problems fixed by hiring professional designers who know how to do it right! They’ll ask you about the things that bother you most as well as share their expertise on everything from cabinetry layouts to flooring materials so they can create a custom plan just for your needs.

The best way to find the perfect kitchen is by talking to experts in your area who have experience designing kitchens and building cabinets. They’ll ask you questions like: “How do you use your space?” or “Do you cook often?” If it’s hard for them to figure out where certain things go because of a lack of information from the client, they may also take measurements before moving forward so that everything can be properly planned (such as door swing).

For those who want to customize an existing space, it’s important to be honest with your designer about what you don’t like so that he or she can make changes accordingly. It may also help to take measurements before starting any remodeling work so that there is no guessing involved.

Some people prefer to start from scratch and design everything on their own, but the majority of homeowners are more interested in customizing a kitchen that they already have.

2 thoughts on “When to remodel or renovate a home instead of moving”

  1. Pingback: 7 Tips For Home Remodeling Before you Call In The Professionals

  2. Pingback: 7 Tips For Home Remodeling Before you Call In The Professionals – Ruggieri & Co.

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